membedakan dan merubah object pronoun sesuai dengan kebutuhan.
- Jawaban yang diharapkan pada percakapan rumpang kali ini adalah:
o Is Lina talking to Siti and Dayu?
Yes, she’s talking to them.
o Is Siti borrowing a book from the library?
Yes, she’s borrowing it from the library.
o Is the man teaching the students?
Yes, he’s teaching them.
o Are they calling you, Lina?
Yes, they are calling her.
Sumber : Buku K13 Bahasa Inggris kelas VIII
- Jawaban yang diharapkan pada percakapan rumpang kali ini adalah:
o Is Lina talking to Siti and Dayu?
Yes, she’s talking to them.
o Is Siti borrowing a book from the library?
Yes, she’s borrowing it from the library.
o Is the man teaching the students?
Yes, he’s teaching them.
o Are they calling you, Lina?
Yes, they are calling her.
Sumber : Buku K13 Bahasa Inggris kelas VIII