lay (v) : to put something in especially a flat or horizontal position, usually carefully or for a particular purpose
leisure (n) : the time when you are not working or doing other duties
leopard gecko (n) : Crepuscular ground-dwelling lizard naturally found in the deserts of Asia and throughout Pakistan, to parts of northern India.
lined baking sheet (n) : baking sheet lined with foil, parchment paper, a silicone baking mat, or sprayed with cooking spray
loop (v) : To move in a circular direction that shapes the form of a loop
luster (n) : the brightness that a shiny surface has make up (n) : colored substances used on your face to improve or change your appearance
massive (adj) : very large in size, amount or number
masterpiece (n) : A work of art such as painting, film or book which is done or made with great skill, and is often a person’s greatest work
melt (adj) : Having turned soft or into a liquid
mutation (n) : the way in which genes can change and produce permanent differences
obey (v) : to act according to what you have been asked or ordered to do by someone in authority or to behave according to a rule, law or instruction
occurrence (n) : something that happens
ostracize (v) : refuse to accept someone as a member of the group
owner (n) : someone who owns something
pedantic (adj) : giving too much attention to formal rules or small details
plain (n) : very clear and easy to understand
precede (v) : to be or go before something or someone in time or space
qualification (n) : an ability, characteristic, or experience that makes you suitable for a particular job or activity
regulation (n) : an official rule of the act of controlling rely on (phrasal verb): to need a particular thing or the help and support of someone or something in order to continue,to work correctly or to succeed
to replicate (v) : doing something again to get the same result again
requirement (n) : something that you must do, or something you need
researcher (n) : someone who conducts research, i.e., an organized and systematic investigation into something
resume (n) : a short written description of your education, qualifications, previous jobs and sometimes also your personal interests, which you send to an employer when you are trying to get a job
retain (v) : to keep or continue to have something
retaliation (n) : action against someone who has done something bad to you
sacred (adj) : considered to be holy and deserving respect, especially because of a connection with a god
scroll (n) : a decoration that looks like a roll of paper
sculpture (n) : the art of forming solid objects that represent a thing, person, idea, etc. out of a material such as wood, clay, metal, or stone, or an object made in the way
secure (v) : to fasten or tie something firmly semisweet (adj) : (of food) slightly sweetened, but less so than normal
settlement (n) : a place where people come to live or the process of settling in such a place
severe (adj) : causing very great pain, difficulty, worry, damage, etc
sophisticated (adj) : having a good understanding of the way people behave and / or good knowledge of culture and fashion
sorrow (v) : a feeling of great sadness
strangle (v) : to limit the growth or development of something
stir (v) : to mix a liquid or other substance by moving an object such as spoon in a circular pattern
stroll (v) : to walk in a slow relaxed manner, especially for pleasure
stunted (adj) : not developing properly or to full size
submit (v) : to give or offer something for a decision to be made by others
subtle (adj) : not easy to notice or understand unless we pay careful attention
surroundings ( n) : the place where someone or something is and the things that are in it
tear down (v) : to destroy something deliberately
tenant (n) : a person who pays rent for the use of land or a building
tentacles (n) : one of the long thin parts like arms of some sea creatures, which are used for feeling and holding things, catching food or moving
throng (v) : to be or go somewhere in very large numbers
tiny (adj) : extremely small
unravel (v) : stop being twisted together
treasure (n) : a very important and valuable object
treat (n) : an event or item that is out of the ordinary and gives great pleasure
turn down (v) : to reject one’s request or offer
vessel (n) : a large boat or ship
vie (v) : to compete with other people to achieve or get something
violent (adj) : using force to hurt or attack
visible (adj) : able to be seen
voluntary (adj) : done, made or given willingly, without being forced or paid to do it
waxed paper (n) : paper that is made moisture-proof through the application of wax
whipping cream (n) : cream that has been beaten by a mixer, whisk, or fork until it is light and fluffy