expression of thanking atau Ungkapan terima kasih

expression of thanking atau Ungkapan terima kasih dalam bahasa inggris mungkin sudah kita ketahui dan pahami, tetapi ada beberapa kalimat yang mungkin belum Anda ketahui dan perlu untuk diketahui agar dalam pengungkapannya tidak monoton. Berikut kami sajikan dialog bahasa inggris yang menyertakan expression of thanking.

(At Elly’s house)
Elly’s mother : Elly! Are you ready for school? I have prepared pancakes for your breakfast!
Elly : Yes, Mom! I will be there in a minute. I’m preparing my note books.
Elly’s mother : Alright, honey!
(Elly coming down from her bedroom to have breakfast)
Elly : Thank you for waking me up this morning, Mom. I slept late last night doing my homework
Elly’s mother : No problem, Dear. I will always assure that you won’t wake up late every morning.
(After finishing her breakfast)
Elly : Well, Mom. The pancakes are so delicious. I have finished my breakfast. Thank God for the foods. Thanks Mom for making pancakes for breakfast. I have to go to school a little early, Mom. I should get going now. Good bye, Mom. I love you.
Elly’s mother : Alright, Dear. Good bye. Love you too
(At Elly’s way to school)
Elly : What are you doing Mr. Bowo? Are you looking for something down there?
Mr. Bowo : Oh, Elly! Well… yes, my Dear. I lost my ring. I was holding it but it suddenly slipped off my hand.
Elly : Do you mind if I help you to look for it?
Mr. Bowo : Is it okay, Dear?
Elly : It is okay, Mr. Bowo. Let’s start from where you dropped it off.
Mr. Bowo : Oh, thank you very much, Dear. That’s a very kind of you.
(After several minutes)
Elly : Mr. Bowo! I think I found your ring. Here, it was under the rock.
Mr. Bowo : Oh, my Lord! I didn’t see it!
Elly : Thank God we found it.
Mr. Bowo : Oh, my sweet Elly. I can’t tell you how grateful I am for your help
Elly : Don’t mention it, Mr. Bowo. It has been our job to help each other. Very well, Mr. Bowo. I have to go. Goodbye!
Mr. Bowo : Oh, wait up! I have something for you in return.
Elly : You don’t have to give me anything, Mr. Bowo
Mr. Bowo : I have a pretty ribbon, but I don’t have any idea what I should do with this ribbon. So, you might like it.
Elly : Wow, that is a pretty ribbon!
Mr. Bowo : Here, you can have it.
Elly : Is it okay? Oh, it’s so lovely. Thank you so much Mr. Bowo.
Mr. Bowo : My pleasure

Vocabularies expression of thanking

Adj. = adjective / kata sifat
v. = verb/ kata kerja
n. = noun / kata benda
advrb. = adverb / keterangan
Pancakes = Kue panekuk n.
prepare = mempersiapkan v.
sleep late = tidur larut v. + advrb.
assure = memastikan v.
wake up late = terlambat bangun v. + advrb.
Early = lebih awal adj.
Get going = lekas pergi v.
look for = mencari (sesuatu atau seseorang) v.
Lost (VII dari lose) = menghilangkan v.
slip off = lolos karena licin v.
Do you mind…? = Apa Anda keberatan…?
drop off = menjatuhkan v.
In return = sebagai balasannya advrb.
Ribbon = pita n.

basic sentences expression of thanking

Ungkapan berterima kasih umum
- Thank you (lebih formal) / Thank you, Mr. Ridwan = Terima kasih, Tuan Ridwan
- Thank you for helping me with my homework = Terima kasih sudah membantu saya mengerjakan PR
- Thanks (informal dan casual) / Thanks, Mom = Terima kasih, Bu
- Thanks for having me to this party = Terima kasih sudah mengundangku ke pesta ini
- Cheers! (informal dalam British English)
Ungkapan berterima kasih lebih mendalam
- Thank you very much = Terima kasih banyak
- Thank you so much
- Thank you a lot
- Thanks a lot
- Cheers very much!
Ungkapan berterima kasih yang lebih formal lagi dalam kesempatan tertentu
- I want to thank you for all of your help = Saya ingin berterima kasih atas segala bantuan Anda
- I would (I’d) like to thank you for your kindness all this time = Saya ingin berterima kasih atas kebaikan Anda selama ini
- I really appreciate of what you have done = Saya sungguh berterima kasih atas apa yang telah Anda lakukan
Ungkapan lainnya dalam berterima kasih
- That’s a very kind of you (bila menerima sesuatu atau hal lain) = Anda sungguh baik sekali
- I can’t tell you how grateful I am for all your help = Saya sunggguh berterima kasih atas segala bantuannya
- It’s lovely (bila menerima sesuatu) = ini indah sekali
Merespon dan menanggapi ungkapan terima kasih
- You’re welcome = Terima kasih kembali
- No problem = Bukan masalah
- My pleasure = dengan senang hati
- Don’t mention it = Jangan sungkan/ jangan berkata demikian
- I was nothing, it was no trouble, not at all, anytime = Bukan apa-apa