latihan soal kelas xii bahasa inggris

Text 1 is for question no. 8 - 13

Once upon a time, a hunter caught an owl in his trap. It (8)      a paradise owl.
The owl begged the hunter to free it. In return, the owl promised to grant (9)     three wishes. (10)     the owl asked the hunter to mention what he wanted.
“Give me a large, luxurious, finished house with a beautiful garden,” (11)     the hunter. And there, in front of him, was the house he wanted.
(12)      me a very huge box of gold coin,” he asked.
And again he got what he (13)        .
“Give me a very beautiful, loving wife who is good at cooking.”

1.   a.  are
a.    be
b.    been
c.    was
d.   were

9.  a. him
b. her
c. them
d. it
e. me

10.a. and
b. after
c. but
d. finally
e. then 

11.a. asked
b. said
c. smiled
d.                                  talked
e. laughed

12.a. give
b. put
c. take
d. get
e. send

13.a.    to want
b.                                  want
c. wanted
d.                                  wants
e. has wanted

14. “I know who take my money. It was you!
The bold and italic words above express . . . . .

a.    Accusing
b.   Advising
c.    Admitting
d.   Blamming
e.    Curiousity

15. Oh, It is crazy! The service is disappointed me.”
The underlined word above express . . . . .

a.       Accusing
b.      Admitting
c.    Complaining
d.   Blaming
e.    Promising