
Cloze description
Fill in the blanks with appropriate adjectives or relating verbs.

Goldfish make the best imaginable pets. First of all, goldfish are extremely ____________. They don’t bark, meow, chirp, squawk, screech, or race around the house while you and your neighbors are trying to sleep. Second, goldfish ____________ very small and easy to house. They don’t take up more than fifteen square inches in a _ ___________ house or apartment. In addition, goldfish ____________ very ____________ pets. You can buy a goldfish at your local pet store for about 50 cents, and a small bowl for it costs less than $3.00. Thus, if you want a ____________ and ____________ pet that doesn’t take up much room or cause any trouble, visit your nearest fish store.
Adapted from Hogue, Ann. 1996. Introduction to Academic Writing.