Fungsi Sosial

Menyatakan suatu tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian yang telah/belum terjadi sebagaimana tersebut di atas selalu memiliki maksud (fungsi sosial) tertentu, antara lain melaporkan, menceritakan, atau menjelaskan tentang sesuatu.
Oleh karena itu, contoh-contoh kalimat yang diberikan kepada peserta didik bukan asal kalimat dalam bentuk present perfect tense, tetapi setiap kalimat yang diucapkan/ditulis peserta didik perlu memiliki maksud atau fungsi sosial tertentu. Sebagai contoh,

Kalimat Fungsi sosial
Siti: You know where all the roads go in this town.
Beni: Of course. I have lived here since I was a kid.
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Udin: You don’t know the names of the dances from Madura?
Edo: No, I don’t. I haven’t read the chapter about Madurese culture yet.
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The very bad air pollution in Jakarta has destroyed a lot of old buildings left by the Dutch. It needs billions of rupiahs to restore them.
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To welcome the new year our class have bought some !reworks. We have also bought some meat to make ‘sate’. We have prepared the ‘tungku’, but we haven’t bought the charcoal yet.
I have been to some orphan homes, and I have seen what the orphans do at home. They are just like brothers and sisters. The older children take care of the younger ones. They play together, they do the housework together, and they study together in the evening.
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Sumber : Buku K13  Bahasa Inggris  kelas IX