makna dan bentuk ungkapan menyatakan tindakan yang sedang terjadi pada saat diucapkan.

Perlu dijelaskan bahwa kata kerja bantu is/am/are sebaiknya ditulis secara lengkap dan terpisah dari subyeknya, karena dalam kegiatan ini peserta didik mengungkapkan makna secara tertulis, bukan bahasa lisan, sehingga seharusnya menerapkan kaidah ragam bahasa tulis.

Berikut adalah kunci jawabannya.
1. Dayu cannot hear Lina because she is listening to music with earphones.
2. Edo asks Udin to be quiet because he is trying to concentrate. He is studying History for the test tomorrow.
3. Dayu’s mother is in Posyandu now. She is doing vaccination for the babies and small kids in her neighbourhood.
4. Edo cannot come to the study-group meeting because he is helping his father !xing the fence of his house.
5. Lina cannot come to the phone because she is mixing the "our and the eggs for the pastry. Her hand is full of dough.
6. Beni looks very serious because he is doing the task to describe a girl in his class to criticize her. He is writing about Siti. He is trying to say about her bad habits.
7. Dayu is surprised because Siti is mopping the "oor again.
8. Everybody is not having lunch in the canteen now because they are in the library. They are looking for some tekss about animals and plants in the encyclopedia.

Sumber : Buku K13  Bahasa Inggris  kelas IX