Dayu is learning to write about herself

Dayu is learning to write about herself. She is doing it little by little everyday. Now, she has 8 entries. Read each entry correctly and clearly. First, repeat after me.

Day 1
When I was a baby, when I could not do anything, my parents and my elder brother took care of me. My brother is five years older than me. I didn’t sleep with my mum. I slept in a baby cot in my parents bedroom. My brother slept in his own room. My mum breastfed me for two years.

Day 2
When I cried, they calmed me down. When I was afraid of something, they comforted me. My dad often carried me around in the morning sun. When I got older, they spoonfed me. I played with my brother. I was naughty, but he never got angry with me. He was very patient with me.

Day 3
I started my kindergarten when I was five years old. I did my kindergarten for two years, one year in Kindy A and one year in Kindy B. My kindy was near my home. I walked to my kindy with my mum or my sister. Sometimes I went with my dad on his motorcycle.

Day 4
In the classroom, my teacher read us stories. We sang happy songs, we coloured pictures, and we played with dough and colorful paper. In the playground, we played sliding, we ran around, and we also played hide-andseek.

Day 5
I started my primary school when I was seven years old and finished when I was twelve. I also walked to school, because my school was only 200 meters from my home. I went to school with my brother or with my friends. Sometimes my dad took me to school on his motorcycle. Sometimes I walked to school by myself.

Day 6
I learned many new things in primary school. I learned to write and to read in Grade 1 and Grade 2. My favourite teacher was Mrs. Ningrum. She was very smart. She taught us traditional dances and songs. She also taught us to plant trees and take care of the garden. One day she took us to the local library to borrow books.

Day 7
I have many sweet memories in my primary-school. My friends and I often teased Pak Min, the janitor. We hid his broom, his duster, his mop, and his bucket. But he never got angry. My Physical Education (PE) teacher, Mr. Laode, often took us to walk around the hills and along the river near our school. We took a rest under the trees when we were tired.

Day 8
I learned to ride on a bicycle in the school yard in the afternoon after school. And then I could ride in the small streets in the neighbourhood, with my friends. My friends and I often spent hours chatting in the small green yard near the Kelurahan office. The boys climbed the big trees. We also swam in the river. It was still very clean at that time. It is very dirty now. Now work with your group and read each entry to one another. Make sure you read them correctly and clearly. Correct any mistakes you hear.

Day 9
Now, here I am in this SMP. Last year I was in Grade VII, and now I am in Grade VIII. This school is two kilometers from my home. I learned many new things in Grade VII. It was my first time to go to school on my bike. I met boys and girls from different parts of this town. I was very happy when I first wore my blue-and-white uniform.

Day 10
Last year was my first time to learn English. I learned to greet other people in English, to introduce myself in English, and to ask and answer questions in English. We also learned to describe our family, our friends, and our school in English. I sang my first English song. I also read my first English story.

Day 13
We have no helper, so my mum, my dad, my sister, and I do the chores ourselves. We make the bed. We wash and iron our clothes. We also dust the furniture. We sweep and mop the floor everyday. I often go to the shop to buy sugar, soap, oil, salt, rice, vegetables, fruits, and so on.

Day 14
In the past only my mum cooked for us. Now, my brother and I often cook for the family. We fry eggs and make fried rice or noodles. When I lost something, everybody else found it for me. Now, when I lose something, I find it myself.

Sumber : buku bahasa Inggris kelas VIII Kur 2013

There was a big wolf. He was waiting for a chance to steal a sheep, but the shepherd and his dog continuously chased him away. After a week, the wolf began to get very hungry, and thought, “I must find a way to get close to the sheep.” It was by luck that he found a sheep’s skin. He carefully pulled the skin over his body so that none of his grey fur showed under the white sheep skin.
Then he could walk in easily and now he was in the middle of the herd.
The big wolf knew that the most delicious sheep were the lambs, or the young sheep. He then imitated the voice of a ewe or a mother sheep. He could easily cheat a lamb who thought that he was its mother. And, the lamb followed him to the woods. There, he eventually ate the innocent lamb. For many days, he could eat as many lambs as his stomach could take. The big wolf got bigger and bigger everyday. Now he looked like the biggest sheep on earth.
One day the shepherd was planning to hold a party. He would invite many relatives and friends. So, he decided to slaughter the biggest sheep from the herd. The shepherd approached the biggest sheep very slowly and carefully.
Guess who it was? The wolf, of course, who was fully covered by the white sheep skin! But, the wolf was so fat that he could not run and fight for his safety. Very easily the shepherd slaughtered him, chopped him, and then cooked him for the big party.

Collecting Information

The first paragraph
1. The story is about a big wolf. There was a big wolf.
2. He wanted to steal a sheep but he couldn’t. He was waiting for a chance to steal a sheep, but the shepherd and his dog continuously chased him away.
3. He could not wait any longer.
4. He found a way to get in.

The second paragraph
1. He only wanted to eat lambs.
2. He did something and then he could eat a lamb.
3. He ate too many lambs and got very fat.

The third paragraph
1. The shepherd was going to have a party.
2. He needed a very big sheep for the party.
3. He chose the biggest sheep, but he did not know that it was a wolf.
4. The wolf could not save himself.
5. He was finally killed.

Sumber : buku bahasa Inggris kelas VIII Kur 2013