percakapan untuk menyuruh Dayu melakukan atau tidak melakukan sesuatu tindakan

percakapan untuk menyuruh Dayu melakukan atau tidak melakukan sesuatu tindakan untuk kesembuhan diarinya, dengan ucapan yang jelas dan benar.

Buatlah suasana belajar yang kondusif bagi peserta didik untuk menanya, memberikan komentar, memberikan saran terkait dengan materi dan proses pembelajaran ini. Bahasa Inggris tetap dapat dipertahankan untuk digunakan oleh peserta didik, dengan hanya mengulang yang tertulis dalam setiap teks.
Karena materinya adalah interaksi lisan, berikan contoh secara lisan juga, bukan tertulis. Gunakan pertanyaan nomor (1) dan (2) sebagai contoh cara mengerjakan tugas ini.

For example,

1) I will say, “Siti tells Dayu to do two things. What does Siti say to tell Dayu what to do and what should she do them for?” Then, read the teks again, and !nd the answer. Or you may be ready with the answer right away.
The answer is One, “maybe you just have to take some rest in order to get well soon.” Two, “just stay in bed to let the medicine work to ease your diarrhea”.

2) I will say, “Edo also tells Dayu to do two things. What does he say to tell Dayu what to do and what should she do them for?” Then, read the teks again, and !nd the answer. Or you may be ready with the answer right away.
The answer is One, “you need to drink a lot of water so that you will not get dehydrated.” Two, “take ‘oralit’ salt water in order to replace the water you have lost.”

Berikut adalah daftar pertanyaan pemandu dan kunci jawabannya.

Tentang memberi selamat:
1. Siti tells Dayu to do one thing. What does she say to tell Dayu what to do and what should she do it for?
“Actually you can make such water yourself so that you do not have to buy oralit. It’s easy to make it. Pour 200 ml of water into a cup, then add 1 spoonful of salt and one spoonful of sugar. Stir it thoroughly. Then drink it.”

2. Udin tells Dayu to do one thing. What does he say to tell Dayu what to do and what should she do it for?
“To cure your diarrhea, you should try guava leaves. Take some leaves and chew them for a while in order to let the juice come out.”

3. Beni tells Dayu and the others to do one thing. What does he say to tell them what to do and what should they do it for?
“Never forget to wash your fruits and vegetables before you eat them so that you will not take any germs into your stomach.”

4. Edo tells Dayu to do two things now. What does he say to tell Dayu what to do and what should she do them for?
“One, from now on you have to be more careful with the food you eat so that you will not get a diarrhea again. Two, bring your lunch from home so that you do not need to buy your lunch from the street vendors. Home food is healthy, and you can also save your money for more useful things.”

5. Lina tells Dayu to do two things. What does she say to tell Dayu what to do and what should she do them for?
“One, I think you need to see the doctor soon in order to get the right medicine for your diarrhea. Two, you should not take the diarrhea lightly.”

Sumber : Buku K13  Bahasa Inggris  kelas IX